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Our Floor Plans

About Us

We build high quality modular homes in a factory that can then be delivered to your property for assembly. We use shipping containers (10', 16', 20', and 40') for a the basic shell structure to which we add everything to make your new home both attractive and comfortable.

Our in factory construction can cost much less than other construction methods. Using as few as 4 containers (more if you need additional space) to build your home with additional modules that can always added later.

Please check out our floor plans and tell us what you think. We know we can save you money and you never know you may find something you like.
container home, modular home, container, modular, modula concepts, modular concepts

Modula Concepts LLC


About Us

Floor Plans


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The Village Concept
Not so long ago our ancestors lived in villages that had a strong sense of comminity. They had everything they needed close at hand and what they couldn't provide for themselves they traded with others for. It was a simple life yes, but a good life, with everyone watching over and caring for their neighbours.

Then came the cities and with them the industrial revolution. Now we live apart from each other and our needs (even the most basic) come to us through long, often failing supply chains operated by large corporations. We are increasingly more alone and more vulnerable in today's modern world.

What if we could return to a simpler life? A life like before, and but also keeping our technology. Living in mini villages like the one shown here, where we can work together as small comunities for the benefit of all. It is a bold concept we know, but if we have leaned anything from the pandemic and it's supply chain issues, it is that we need this.

This, friends, is what we like to call The Village Concept. A brave new future for a troubled world.

What if we dared to imagine such a posibility?

Do we dare?
Modula 10 - 1 Bedroom
Modula 10 - 2 Bedroom
Modula 16 - 1 Bedroom
Modula 16 - 2 Bedroom
Modula 16 - 3 Bedroom
Modula 20 - 1 Bedroom
Modula 20 - 2 Bedroom
Modula 20 - 3 Bedroom
Modula 40 - 1 Bedroom
Modula 40 - 2 Bedroom
Modula 40 - 3 Bedroom (Alt)
Modula 40 - 3 Bedroom
Studio 16
Studio 20
The Courtyard
Emergency Housing